The Ghost Writer

I finished The Ghost Writer by John Harwood this evening, and it’s probably one of the creepiest, most thought-provoking books I’ve ever read. The story centers around Gerard Freeman, an Australian librarian who lives with his mother — a clingy, obsessive woman afraid above all that Gerard will leave her. His only real friend is a pen-friend, Alice Jessell, an English woman with an injury which confines her to a wheelchair. Though the two have never met, they have been corresponding since they were 13 and eventually fall in love.

Gerard is intensely curious about his mother’s past in England at a country manor called Staplefield, where she lived with her grandmother Viola, who raised her. Gerard finds a photo of a strange woman and a Victorian ghost story written by V.H., who turns out to be Viola.

Gerard eventually makes his way to England, where he begins to unravel his mother’s past, meanwhile discovering more ghost stories written by his great-grandmother which oddly seem to intertwine with the lives of her descedants.

John Harwood does a masterful job creating suspense in the manner of Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw, to which he alludes in the name of Gerard’s penfriend — “Where, my pet, is Miss Jessel?” Viola’s Victorian ghost stories are interwoven with the plot in a rather impressive plot construction; it would have been all too easy in the hands of a less-gifted writer, for the plot to go astray when the ghost stories “interrupt” the action of the novel. As it is, they hardly seem like interruptions, and indeed, they are so good that they might stand on their own. “The Gift of Flight” was terrifying and reminded me a Twilight Zone episode I once saw called “The Living Doll.” You’ve probably seen it… “My name is Talky Tina… and I’m going to kill you.” *Shivers*

This isn’t Stephen King. This is much, much better. If you liked the Victorian creepiness of The Turn of the Screw, Great Expectations (also alluded to in The Ghost Writer), or even A.S. Byatt’s Possession, which was both very different and very similar in subject matter (which I know makes no sense), then you’ll enjoy this book. Gerard’s mother’s home in England reminded me of the house in The Others. Once you pick this book up, you may find it hard to put down. The ending is a bit confusing. I had to read it twice, and I still think what I think happened is very much open to interpretation. Then again, the best scary stories are like that.

Read more…

I hesitate to post a link to an incomplete web site, but I am slowly but surely getting online. The site will have an education blog, classroom ideas, lesson plans, and a classroom blog. Thought perhaps you English teacher types who read this blog might be interested. Mind you, it is extremely bare bones for right now. In the future, I will probably put most of my reflections about education on that site, while this blog will remain more personal.

The Egyptologist

The EgyptologistI have spent an entertaining few days reading The Egyptologist by Arthur Phillips. Phillips walks the fine line between humor and pathos quite successfully, and he manages to pull off a bit of a mystery that will keep you turning pages — not so much because you won’t figure out what happened, but, as reviewer Barbara Mertz in The Washington Post concluded, how it happened. The story is told through letters and the journal of his main character, Ralph M. Trilipush, a man I loved to hate and hated to love — self-absorbed and exceedingly arrogant, but naive — and you just have to admire his determination (or obsession? you decide). One of the major themes of the novel is the legacy we leave behind and our quest to become immortal — a different method for each character, yet somehow it all comes down to the same conclusion. What that conclusion is, I’ll leave you to discover. The ending is probably one of the most tragicomic things I’ve ever read. I wanted to laugh and cry at the absurdity of it. Indeed, one could accuse Phillips of bathos, but then, I think that’s what he was really after. That’s kind of what life is, in the end.

A warning to the reader: this book will require patience. It unfolds slowly, layer by layer, through the words of two irritating narrators. However, it is the preciseness with which Phillips captures “that sort of person” that makes the outlandish events believable. I enjoyed the writer’s style, but it might not appeal to everyone. Of course, you can always read a few pages at Amazon or check out an excerpt at the book’s website.

The Average Blog

I was surfing Globe of Blogs, which is something I remember to do about once a year, usually in the summer, when school is out and I have more time. There are a lot of blogs out there. Sometimes a description interested me, and I clicked the link, only to discover the blog was defunct. keeps track of blogging statistics, and some of them are fairly interesting. From March 14:

  • The number of blogs Technorati tracks doubled every 5 months for the last 20 months. [Useful for planning server purchases, I bet.] If the trend continues (and we don’t know why it should), Technorati should be tracking 15 million blogs by August, 30 million by January.
  • Technorati discovers 30-40 thousand blogs daily.

From February 5:

  • There are 1 million active MovableType and TypePad users.
  • When you combine all the [Six Apart] properties, including LiveJournal, there are 6.5 million registered and 3.5 million active users.

In “The Blogging Geyser,” Perseus reported in April that there were “31.6 million hosted blogs,” which they projected would grow to “53.4 million by year end.” In their own list of caveats, they admit that their survey “does not cover nonhosted blogs” (blogs that exist on their their own servers or domains — like this one). They concluded that LiveJournal, BlogSpot, and Xanga are the leading hosts, while they describe my former host, Diaryland, as a “niche player.” LiveJournal’s figures may be skewed high, because the data included syndicated feeds (this blog has a syndicated LJ feed: Much Madness Log; click to subscribe).

An often cited statistic says that the average blog only lasts six months. If that is true, even if you don’t count my years at a hosted service, I have managed to stand the test of time, as it were. In 2003, in “The Blogging Iceberg,” Perseus reported that there were 4.12 hosted blogs, 66%, or 2.72 million, of which had not been updated in more than two months. Further, 1.09 million blogs had only one entry or only lasted one day (there is a difference between the two, but Perseus did not distinguish). The average staying power of the hosted blog at that time was four months.

I wonder if it is even possible to conduct an accurate survey of the blogosphere. This is what I would like to know:

  • How many blogs are out there?
  • How many blogs are active, updated with some regularity?
  • How long does the average blog really last?
  • What do age demographics for bloggers look like?

Also, what about quality? This is even more intangible. I personally don’t like to read chatspeak, and I have issues with LiveJournal, which seems like a very closed community — it is not easy for non-LJ users to comment on LJ blogs (you have to declare yourself anonymous, and some users do not accept anonymous comments) or read locked or “friends only” blogs, for instance. Political blogs are arguably the most popular, but I don’t read any. Do you? Speaking of quality, the TTLB has an ecosystem ranking blogs in evolutionary terms. However, I find that the so-called A-list blogs are often just not that interesting. I have tried reading a few of them to see what the fuss was about, but I just didn’t stay. By the way, I harbor no illusions that this blog is interesting or even mildly entertaining, but I decided long ago that the number of visitors didn’t matter to me, or else I’d write about things that would bring more traffic. Actually, I am sometimes jarred by new readers — not that I don’t welcome you, if you’re new. My first thought is usually why are you here?

So before I went off on a tangent about my own insignificance in the blogosphere, I was wondering about good blogs. How many really good blogs are out there? Do you know of one you think I’d like?

And while I’m asking you questions, dear reader, what is your take on all of this?

Benjamin Disraeli said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

A Summer of Faulkner

Steve and I took Dylan and Maggie out on Father’s Day. We had dinner and went to the local Barnes and Noble to peruse the shelves. I noticed in the summer reading section that three William Faulkner volumes were enclosed in a slipcase with the title “A Summer of Faulkner” across it. Wow, I thought. That’s pretty interesting. Not many people feel up to taking on Faulkner during what is supposed to be beach book season. I didn’t really look over the slipcase, because there were some people blocking my way to it, and later I forgot as Dylan and Maggie became increasingly restless.

I also haven’t watched Oprah in, oh, forever, so I didn’t realize that she was connected with “A Summer of Faulkner.” I think it is wonderful that Oprah tackled Faulkner, but I wonder what her book club fans will think. He’s not exactly light reading. I’m reading Absalom, Absalom! right now, and it’s hard. I have to keep putting it down to clear my head, then come back. I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I do. I love Faulkner. It just taxes my brain to read him.

The reading selections for “A Summer of Faulkner” include As I Lay Dying for June, The Sound and the Fury for July, and Light in August for August. The Sound and the Fury is unquestionably a masterpiece, but it is really hard. I didn’t understand what in the hell was going on the whole time Benjy narrated. Maybe I need to re-read that one and see if that is still the case. I actually haven’t read Light in August, yet.

I think it is odd that I told my students I was going to tackle Faulkner again this summer, and wouldn’t you know so did Oprah. Okay, not that odd. A small bit of synchronicity.

Anyway, serious students of Faulkner may be helped by Oprah’s site, which includes a biographical section, a Faulkner 101 section, and sections for each book. There are even videos of professors discussing the works. I hope she leaves it up so I can use it next year when I teach Faulkner.

The Black Crowes

Black CrowesI have been a fan of the Black Crowes ever since their commercial debut, Shake Your Money Maker. I remember listening to their album nonstop and talking enthusiastically about them to my friend, Sheila. “They just sound like Atlanta,” I enthused. She laughed. Ever since then, I have felt a bit like the voice crying in the wilderness. I love the band, and I don’t feel they’ve ever received the recognition or attention they deserve. Of course, it doesn’t help that the lineup is shaky, and the sibling rivalry between Chris and Rich Robinson is notorious. Still, I think they have a solid sound — crunchy, raunchy guitar and plenty of blue-eyed soul.

I decided to shake up my radio blog with a Black Crowes set list that serves as a good introduction to the band. Or it serves as a list of some of my favorites, anyway.

  1. Go Faster
      From the album By Your Side, which taken as a whole is not up there on my list of favorite Crowes albums. This track is very good, though. Makes me want to go faster, anyway. Quit laughing, Steve.
  2. Wiser Time
      From the album Amorica, which is solid all the way through, and was described by one recent Amazon reviewer as the “soundtrack to [his] life.” I agree with that assessment of the album. This is possibly my favorite Crowes song, if I had to pick one. It is best listened to while driving southbound on the Connector through Atlanta just as the downtown skyscrapers loom in the zodiacal light, to borrow a favorite phrase of Steve’s. Or while driving across the flat expanses between small towns on I-70 westbound in Kansas.
  3. Sometimes Salvation
      From the album The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, which is my favorite Crowes album. If you only buy one Crowes album, you should buy this one. This song is really high up there on my list of favorite all-time songs.
  4. A Conspiracy
      From Amorica. I like the slide guitar. Have mercy, baby.
  5. Ten Years Gone
  6. Can’t You Hear Me Knocking
      This is live concert track, so the sound quality is not great, but it is such a great cover, I had to include it. The Crowes are often compared to Exile on Main Street-era Rolling Stones, although this song was on Sticky Fingers.
  7. High Head Blues
      From Amorica. Kind of psychedelic. The video was funny. I like the… I think it’s a vibraphone… in this one. You’ll know it when you hear it. It’s groovy.
  8. My Morning Song
      I really hear the blues/Led Zeppelin influence on this one, which is from The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion.
  9. Cypress Tree
      From Lions. Really crunchy guitar; heavier sound.
  10. Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye
      From The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion. Also one of my all-time favorite songs. It’s not out of spite. I just know what’s right. Yep. Very fine white blues.

What’s not on my list? The overplayed and somewhat trite “She Talks to Angels.” If that’s what you know about the Crowes, you are better served by a listen to my radio blog than commercial radio. As much as I love Shake Your Money Maker, I don’t think it’s their finest album, and I didn’t include any tracks from it here.

The Black Crowes have a great website. It is really appealing to the eye. Call me weird, but I think it’s fun that the guitar is somewhat interactive. If you want to get a really good taste of their music, they play clips of LOTS of their songs, plus there is video footage (although low quality and slow to load) and concert recordings.

All of this plus Rich Robinson is cute not as cute as Steve — Happy Father’s Day, Steve!


Skinning Movable Type

I am trying to get brave enough to skin this site. It looks like it would be a lot of work, and I’m not sure I’m up for it. But the skinned sites I’ve run across are so cute! For example:

  • Big Pink Cookie’s pink is so cute, and I love the Paris theme.
  • allows you to pick a skin the first time you visit. Lots of choices!
  • chastitycatt has pretty kitties on most of her “themes,” but I think I like the default best — it’s understated and pretty.
  • lily of the valley has monkeys! You can change skins by clicking the link above her search box.
  • Magical Musing has some pretty skins.
  • scriptygoddess not only has four background and link color options to choose from, but also lets you input your own hex code and colorize as you please!

First of all, I’d have to come up with the different layouts, and I’m well aware how long it takes to come up with one. There is a reason my blog has been the same for the entire time I’ve had it on this site. In the four years I’ve been journaling online, I can remember having a grand total of six layouts. Six. Some people change them for each season. I’m like Cranky Dragon — I don’t want to break anything. It took me forever to relent and redo my individual archive template so I would have the TypeKey login link.

If you are a bit braver than I am, and you want to try to skin your blog, you might try the following sources:

  • Skinning a Website from has a tutorial appropriate for any website.
  • This Chick has a simpler method that works well for MT blogs (thanks Arvind for the tip).
  • Skinning MT at Movalog allows you to skin your user interface if you have MT (thanks for the clarification Arvind).
  • BlogSkins has lots of designs. Quality is mixed, but you can’t beat free.

Of course, anyone who wants to donate their talents to beautifying Much Madness is Divinest Sense is most welcome. Yeah, that’s likely to happen. I’ll just hold my breath.


Yesterday, I went to the grocery store. There are three Kroger stores within about three miles from my home, but like most people, I tend to go to the same one all the time. This Kroger has those U-Scan lanes so customers can scan and bag their own groceries if they want. If I can, I always use the U-Scan lanes. I think as long as you don’t get behind someone who doesn’t know how to scan, then it’s quicker. Also, I don’t really like to interact with the checkers. I guess that makes me rude, but frankly, it bugs me sometimes when they insist on being chatty. Actually, I believe it to be related to OCD. One of my “issues” is talking to people I don’t know — especially over the phone. Sometimes, it’s simply that I find the chit-chat annoying; a checker at that same Kroger asked me if I had gone to church that day (it was Sunday). That bothered me on so many levels, I didn’t know where to start, but I forced a smile and said “no.” U-Scan lanes mean I’m in, out, and back home without having to interact with anyone if I don’t want to.

At this Kroger, the same man is always “manning” the U-Scan lanes. If you don’t know what this means, basically it means he stands there in case customers have problems with checking out. I go to the grocery store at least every other day, and he is always there.

Yesterday, as I checked out my groceries, lost in my own world, I didn’t notice the flurry activity around the U-Scan Man until I had bagged my groceries and was headed out the door. He was sitting on a bench, surrounded by EMT’s and had oxygen tubing in his nose. There were two ambulances parked outside.

I kept walking, because I didn’t want to stare or make him feel weird. I come in so often, he must recognize me in much the same way as I recognize him. I kept walking, and I almost called Steve. Nah, I told myself, you can tell Steve when you get home. I thought of U-Scan Man several times. Just a little while ago, I thought about him again: please God, I hope he’s OK.

It’s odd, isn’t it? I use the U-Scan lane so I don’t have to interact with anyone, and I wind up being attached to the consistent presence of the U-Scan Man enough to pray for his health. I guess I was interacting a little more than I thought.

Guys Read

Jon Scieszka, author of perennial favorites The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales and The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, has something to say about the way boys are encouraged to read. From a recent interview with Bookslut (one of my favorite blogs; you must become a regular reader!):

There was a USA Today article [May 3, 2005] about bringing comic books into the classroom, and Santa Monica High School teacher Carol Jago said, “Our job as teachers is to help students read hard texts. When a student tells you the work is hard, you should say, ‘Good; now I know it’s the right book for you.'”Do you agree with that?

Wow, I think that’s wrong on just so many levels, it’s not funny. That’s just painfully wrong, I think. In fact, that’s what gotten us where we are today, where we just keep telling kids, like, you know, “Take your medicine. Reading tastes bad, but it’ll make you a better person, so suck it up.” But it’s not happening! Boys are just leaving reading in droves. And that’s not right.

Part of the Guys Read program is where I go around and talk to teachers and librarians about [doing] exactly the opposite. Don’t try to beat kids into reading. I think what we have to do is to motivate them to want to learn how to read. That’s a difficult thing, so I think the best way to do it is to give them things they like to read. And what we haven’t done with boys is we haven’t really given them a broad range of reading. In schools, what’s seen as reading is so narrow: it’s literary, realistic fiction. It’s feelings and problems, stuff that a lot of boys just aren’t drawn to. So we’re setting boys up for failure, because we have a literacy model that’s just easier for girls.

I have recently become familiar with Carol Jago through the normal education channels — seeing her books advertised, following links, etc. The book which really caught my attention was With Rigor for All: Teaching the Classics to Contemporary Students. It sounded like backlash against movements in education to introduce contemporary fiction. I haven’t read the book, so I cannot really be sure, but a reviewer who has commented (on Amazon) said:

Carol sees the teaching of the classics as a model for the way we teach thinking. She feels that kids learn content from the classics, yes, but they learn far more. Kids learn how to think about the great ideas that come from great books. She says the way we do this is by making the classics relative. The great themes of love, war, inhumanity, humanity are still the themes we all know and relate to. By making the classics relative to our kids, we examine again the questions and problems we all have been wrestling with. Carol suggests that the way to teach the classics is not in isolation. Carol believes that classics must be taught by using all sorts of other “texts”. A text to Carol may be the L.A. Times if it helps her make a point. It’s teachers, ultimately, who make the difference.

It makes me think the USA Today quote was somewhat taken out of context. It doesn’t seem that Carol Jago is saying that we need to feed children books they don’t like because they’re good for them; rather, she argues they could be taught differently so students will like them. I couldn’t agree more, as an English teacher who teaches a lot of classics. I need to get her book.

I also think Scieszka is right. We need to do something to make boys want to read — boys need to see it as a “cool” thing to do from a young age. So many of the parents of my students must have been doing something right, because most of my male students love to read. However, I’ve been teaching long enough to know that the problem Scieszka describes is very real, and we need to do something about it.