
Five years ago today, I was holding my brand new baby, Margaret.  We thought then that she’d be a Meg or Meggie, but she’s grown into a Maggie.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese and had chocolate cake.  Maggie requested a trip to the bookstore for her present instead of the toy store (that’s my girl), but when she was there, she picked out a Dora the Explorer book that plays music, a Hello Kitty backpack, and a stuffed white kitten she had already named Miss Tickles before we were out of the store.

Here are some pictures:

Maggie entering Chuck E. Cheese

Maggie at Chuck E. Cheese

Dylan sipping his Coke

Sarah and Dylan in the car

Actually, that last was taken a couple of days ago, not today, but I thought it was cute and wanted to share it.

Almost There

The Pensieve has been completely restored (I think) thanks to an old MT export file I made in October.  I had to manually upload entries made after that.  Ditto for the genealogy blog.  I think there are still a few missing from that one.

I’m not sure I can restore the posts I made here after I migrated to Word Press in January — the posts from January and February.  At this point, I can’t figure out how.  I’ll keep working at it.  I especially want to restore the carnival entries.

On the other hand, restoring the education blog will take some major work, as I never did an export of it, and I have decided not to restore the classroom blog.  It’s a shame, but I don’t feel like much of significance was lost.  That’s something my students and I should work on.


This site restoration is looking more involved by the moment.  I don’t know when I’ll get this accomplished, so don’t hold your breath (if you were).

At this point, doing manual reposts is looking like the simpler option, and considering how time-consuming that is going to be, we’re looking at a long period of time.  However, the good news, I have to keep telling myself, is that I do indeed have the posts.  Yep.

I wish I knew something about perl.  If you think HTML or CSS looks like a jumble of characters, try looking at perl.


OK, so unless I have takers to host the Literature Carnival, that’s off for a week.  Also, the HP Carnival I host at the Pensieve (which isn’t close to being fully restored yet) is off for this week, too.

Site Restoration/Literature Carnival

I have had NO free time this week to speak of, and today is the first chance I will have to attempt to restore my website completely. I can’t do everything, so I’m afraid I won’t have time to post a literature carnival, particularly when I have not received enough submissions to cover the whole carnival. I’m afraid that will have to be put off — unless someone wants to host it for this edition, that is.

I’m working on restoring the site right now. My game plan is as follows:

  1. Install Movable Type temporarily and upload each blog into a temporary directory.
  2. Export each blog.
  3. If this fails, restoring the site will take a lot longer than this — months, maybe — as I manually restore each entry.

Wish me luck. This one will be my lowest priority, because I happen to have restored most of it (with the exception of two months of entries).

Another Meme

Wow. Two in one week!

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Your personality type is RLUAI
You are reserved, moody, unstructured, accommodating, and intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.
The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Washington DC, Portland/Salem, Richmond, New Orleans, Norfolk, Denver, Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Kansas City, St. Louis, New York City, Indianapolis, San Antonio and these international countries/regions Slovenia, Croatia, Caribbean, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Belgium, Guam, Ukraine, Argentina, Greece, Brazil, Israel, Wales, Finland, Germany, Poland

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
City Reviews at

What’s weird is that I have lived in three of the U.S. cities — Denver, St. Louis, and Norfolk. Actually, I should say I lived in suburbs of those three cities. I’ve also lived in Germany. And I can totally see myself living in Wales one day.

Via Dana Elayne.

Site Restoration

I have great news.  My former hosts finally responded to my repeated help requests and managed to help me figure out how to get my files off their server.  I tried it last night, and I was able to download all of the files.  It will take some time to restore everything, but the good news is that the blog entries and all the pages are intact.  I just need to work at getting them uploaded and working with this template.