Is Reading on the Kindle Slower?

Past and future 1Yesterday, PC World reported findings of a study conducted by Dr. Jakob Nielson that suggests people read slower on e-readers like the Kindle and iPad than they do paperbacks.

I know for a fact I read faster on a Kindle, and therefore, I was surprised by the results. Until I took a good look at the article. Nielson’s sample consisted of only 24 people. In addition, the readers sampled read short stories by Ernest Hemingway. I think if we really want to learn whether or not people read more slowly on the Kindle, the sample size needs to be much larger if it is going to represent the population, and a variety of types of reading should be part of the experiment. As it is, the difference in reading time on the iPad versus paperback amounted to about a minute, whereas the Kindle time was almost two minutes longer.

Other book news:

On today’s date in 1942, Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in the secret annex above her father’s office. In 1893, Guy de Maupassant died.

Other anniversaries this week:

July 7, 1930, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died.

July 8, 1822, Percy Bysshe Shelley drowned off the coast of Italy. July 8, 2004 YA and children’s author Paula Danziger died. (I loved her books The Cat Ate My Gymsuit and There’s a Bat in Bunk Five when I was a tween/teen.)

July 9, 1764, Ann Radcliffe, better known as Mrs. Radcliffe, the author of The Mysteries of Udolpho that served as inspiration for Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, was born. Famed romance novelist Dame Barbara Cartland was born on July 9, 1901. Dean R. Koontz was born July 9, 1945.

July 10, 1871, Marcel Proust was born. July 10, 1931, Alice Munro was born.

July 11, 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (still one of my all-time favorites) was published. On July 11, 1899, E. B. White was born. On July 11, 1930, Harold Bloom was born.

July 12, 1817, Henry David Thoreau was born. July 12, 1904, Pablo Neruda was born.

photo credit: Jandro S

Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger

Some time back, Birdie gave me an award, and I’ve been negligent about posting about it.

 Versatile Blogger Award

Rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award. (Thank you very much, Birdie!)
  2. Share seven things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award along to blogs you have recently discovered and you who think are fantastic for whatever reason (in particular order).
  4. Contact the picked bloggers to let them know about award.

Seven Things about Me

  1. Maybe you recognize the title of my blog from a poem by Emily Dickinson. It is perhaps one of my favorite of hers, and I thought it would make a good title. Really there’s no deep message in my choosing the blog, though the deep message in the poem is that sometimes what we mistake for craziness is sanity and vice versa, often in situations where majority rule is considered. And instead of listening, we take those who disagree with us and label them dangerous or even imprison them. I believe in that message.
  2. I’m an anglophile. I can list the monarchs of Great Britain from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II in order. I don’t yet have the dates of their reigns memorized. I would probably move to the British Isles if I had the chance. I prefer to read books set in the British Isles.
  3. Some folks from my other blog read this one, but as far as I know, not a whole lot of them do. Readers, especially newer readers, of this blog might not realize I have an education blog where I discuss teaching.
  4. I am a fan of Star Trek. My favorite series is Star Trek: The Next Generation. I used to gather with friends in my dorm and watch new episodes when they were released. My favorite characters on that series are Picard, Data, and Worf. I never got into the other series as much as that one.
  5. Movies I can watch over and over and never get tired of: Love Actually, Sense and Sensibility, the Harry Potter films, the original Star Wars trilogy, Brokeback Mountain, and Pretty in Pink.
  6. It took me a long time to figure out what to do with this blog. It meandered in focus, mostly as a journal, until I decided to write my book reviews here.
  7. It’s very hard to pick my favorite books. I love so many of them. In no particular order, my favorites are Wuthering Heights, the Harry Potter series, The Mists of Avalon, The Lord of the Rings, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. If I am hard-pressed to pick a favorite, I’d say it’s Wuthering Heights.

As much as I want to follow the rules and select other bloggers to award, I find I can’t pick, mostly because there are so few I’ve recently discovered. I hate to be a weasel, but I guess I must. If you are reading this, have a blog, and have not received this award yet, consider it presented to you.

The Three Weissmanns of Westport

The Three Weissmanns of Westport: A NovelCathleen Schine’s novel The Three Weissmanns of Westport is a modern retelling of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. I first became intrigued by the novel after I heard Lois Reitzes interview Schine on Between the Lines. Here is the interview:

Cathleen Schine, author of The Three Weissmans of Westport

Schine explains in the interview that her motivation for telling the tale lay in part in the fact that in many ways, women today are as vulnerable to the same financial difficulties as the Dashwoods because of divorce. It was an interesting take. The story begins as Betty Weissmann learns her husband nearly fifty years, Joseph, plans to leave her for a younger woman, the Fanny Dashwoodish Felicity. In an argument over the apartment the Weissmanns share in the Central Park West area in Manhattan, Betty finds herself cut off from the money she has never had to worry about in the past. Meanwhile, Betty’s two daughters have troubles of their own. Schine has recast the characters into older counterparts, and I found it worked well. Annie is the Elinor figure; a librarian with two grown sons, she pines for Felicity’s brother, the novelist Frederick Barrows. Miranda is the Marianne figure, a literary agent who peddles fake memoirs and is outed by Oprah. Cousin Lou, the Mr. Middleton figure, comes to the rescue and offers the Weissmanns his cottage in Westport because they’re “like family.” The three women move in together. Miranda falls in love with the dashing young actor Kit and his son Henry. Betty mourns the death of her marriage like a true widow. Annie wonders how she is going to pay all the bills.

One of the enjoyable aspects of reading derivative works like this—modern updates or retellings—is seeing how an old story can still speak to a modern audience and can still be as fresh and as true as it ever was. I particularly liked A Thousand Acres, Jane Smiley’s retelling of King Lear for that reason. This retelling works. The situations were plausible, and the characters were flawed, but intriguing and funny and even charming enough to keep me interested. In this case, knowing Sense and Sensibility made me wonder how the author might, for instance, deal with Willoughby’s betrayal or Elinor’s introduction to Lucy Steele. It was satisfying to turn the page, then, and see it coming. For instance, as soon as Amber and Crystal walked on the scene, I thought “here come the Misses Steele.” Schine captured those two particularly well. The book has a lot of pop culture references, from James Frey, to Shamwow, to Snuggies, and more, but I wonder if these problems won’t date the book in the future. Then again, maybe it will be a snapshot of the early 21st century. Austen purists won’t like some of the changes made to the ending. I think the ending Sense and Sensibility of is one of the best endings ever. However, I liked the ending of this book. Around about the middle, I had to keep plowing through the book to see how Schine would modernize next.

Rating: ★★★★☆

This is my first book for the Everything Austen Challenge.

Posting Schedule

You may have missed this small update I made earlier this week. Well, I have made some revisions to the schedule. I originally decided to dedicate myself to posting at least twice a week, but I have changed my mind and will try to post three times a week instead. Tuesdays will be dedicated to book news, Kindle news, reflections on reading and books, and the like. Thursdays will be dedicated to  Booking Through Thursday (just discovered via Bookish Nose, although I wholeheartedly disagree about Pride and Prejudice, naturally 😉 ).  Sundays will be dedicated to reading updates and will be tagged with my “in-progress” tag. It will give me a chance to talk about books I abandon and my initial impressions, reflections, or other thoughts about what I’m currently reading. I will still post book reviews whenever I finish books, regardless of the schedule.

Well Read. tee-shirt on sale at the Decatur Book Festival, September 2009

Reading Update: July 1, 2010

Well Read. tee-shirt on sale at the Decatur Book Festival, September 2009I am in the midst of reading three books at the moment: Gulliver’s Travels via DailyLit, The Meaning of Night by Michael Cox (paperback), and The Three Weissmanns of Westport (Kindle).

As of today, I have read 80 of 115 sections via email of Gulliver’s Travels. My verdict so far: I am ready to be finished with it. My favorite part has been Gulliver’s stay in Brobdingnag, which might change before I finish the book. As I read, I find myself annoyed with Gulliver for repeatedly abandoning his family on what look like frivolous voyages to me. If I were his wife, I’d have divorced him.

The Meaning of Night is taking me some time to get into. I’m currently on p. 244 out of about 700. I am being patient because my husband says it’s really good, but it hasn’t grabbed my interest yet. My husband keeps saying it will, and he rarely gushes about books. I don’t think I can give the book too much longer or I will have given it too much for too little return. It does have a good atmosphere, and the author captures Victorian England well.

The Three Weissmanns of Westport is indeed Sense and Sensibility set in modern Westport, CT and New York. I like it so far. It’s full of modern pop culture references (Gawker, Oprah, subtle shades of James Frey). I’m not sure how well it will stand the test of time as a result. I think the author does more telling rather than showing, but I’m entertained and intrigued enough to finish. I’m 41% finished with it. I’m reading it for the Everything Austen Challenge.

What are you reading? What do you think of it?