Sarah seems to be adjusting to school just fine. She has homework every day except Friday. There is a large Hispanic community where we now live, so I have been teaching her a few words in Spanish. She seems very interested in it. My husband mentioned [his post is no longer available] I woke up late and made her late for school this morning. I felt simply awful. I know how much she is probably worried about making a good first impression, and I hope she was okay. I am so concerned with being a good mother and handling this move as well as I possibly can.
I don’t know how I feel right now. Allergies are definitely kicking my ass. I suppose I feel down. I feel very unmotivated. I just really want to find a job, but looking right now feels overwhelming. I admit I need help. I feel unattractive. My hair just hangs limply. I feel so tired. Everything feels overwhelming. Doing things seems like such a major effort. And then I either screw them up (like getting Sarah to school) or they go unacknowledged, so I feel like I shouldn’t bother.
Welcome to my pity party.