Spring Break


The Book of ThreeMy spring break is nearly over. Not much going on. We couldn’t go out of town, because my break didn’t coincide with Sarah’s. She and I are reading Lloyd Alexander’s The Book of Three, which was poorly adapted, along with its sequel, into a Disney movie called The Black Cauldron. I think these books would make good movies if the same people who did The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, or the Harry Potter films did them, but Disney animators of the time did the books a real disservice — the cheesy soundtrack was especially disheartening. I remember going to see the movie with my mother and sister in about 9th grade, and I was thoroughly disappointed. If you haven’t read them, don’t judge the books by that awful movie. They are very good. I’m not sure how much Sarah is liking them. My fourth grade teacher first read us The Book of Three, promising us girls in the class that the girls always think they won’t like it because of the scary cover, then wind up loving it. She was right.

We went to my parents’ house for Easter, where Dylan refused to hunt for eggs, deciding he would rather run around in the grass than look for a bunch of silly eggs, so Maggie found them all. Sarah tried to help Dylan. When the kids colored eggs, Dylan apparently tasted the dye a few times. Yuck.

We had both Maggie and Dylan at the doctor this morning for physicals. We are worried about Dylan. He just turned three, and he still isn’t talking, though in every other respect he is perfectly normal. Our doctor wants to get his hearing tested first, then wants him to take speech therapy. I hope it works. After Maggie, who is so verbal, Dylan’s delayed development was strange. I wasn’t sure how much of it was due to his being a boy, and I wanted to be sure there was a real problem before I made a big deal out of it. The kids had to have vaccines, so that was not much fun.

I have a lot of research paper first drafts to read before I go back to school, and once again, I have procrastinated. I need to start tomorrow.
