Girl Scouts


Girl Scout LogoNext week, I’m going to an organizational meeting for Girl Scouts.  I am going to try Maggie out in Daisies and see if she likes it.  They didn’t have Daisies when I was in Girl Scouts.  I started out in Brownies in second grade.  My school in first grade didn’t have a troop, so I was in Campfire Girls (Blue Birds).  When I was in second grade, I sold the most cookies in my troop.  I earned a Super Seller badge.  My troop leader ran off with the cookie money, but I flew up to Juniors and was placed in a new troop, so I guess I didn’t let this experience get me down.  I earned so many badges as a Junior that I couldn’t fit them on my sash and had to use a vest.  I still have it.  I quit Girl Scouts in sixth grade because I had convinced myself that I would be a first class geek if I stayed in through middle school.  I regret quitting and wish I had stayed in, now.

Sarah was in Daisies, and she seemed to enjoy it a lot.  We went camping with her troop at a Girl Scout camp, and it was a lot of fun.  We went fishing and Sarah caught a turtle.  She missed out on Brownies, and when I asked her as a fifth grader if she wanted to try to get into Juniors, she told me “I’d rather eat dirt.”  Apparently, she didn’t have fun at a Girl Scout camp her dad sent her to one summer.  Oh well.

We’ll see how Maggie likes it.  Come February (assuming Maggie likes it enough to stay in that long), let me know if you want cookies.  It would be kind of cool to have two Super Seller badges in the family.
