Perhaps this is a crazy idea, given the size of my readership here, but why not?
Nominate your favorite books for a list of Books America Can’t Live Without. Results will be posted.
You can leave your submissions in the comments.
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[tags]literature, books, World Book Day, Read Across America, reading, America[/tags]
All the Harry Potter books, duh.
To Kill a Mocking Bird
The Bible
If we're talking the US better put some diet and self help books on there. 😆
William Faulkner – Light in August, The Sound and the Fury
Cormac McCarthy – Blood Meridian
F Scott Fitzgerald – Tender is the Night
Shakespeare – Complete Works
Hemingway – all of them. The style of writing alone should put his books at the top.
Kate Chopin – The Awakening
Harper Lee – To Kill a Mocking Bird
Elie Wiesel – Night
I guess I could go on and on, since I love my books, but then it'd turn into a list of favorites rather than a list of books Americans can't live without.
Great topic, by the way.
Catcher In The Rye
To Kill a Mockinbird
*Mockingbird. Sorry about that.
The Great Gatsby
Zinn "A People's History of the United States"