I have great news. My former hosts finally responded to my repeated help requests and managed to help me figure out how to get my files off their server. I tried it last night, and I was able to download all of the files. It will take some time to restore everything, but the good news is that the blog entries and all the pages are intact. I just need to work at getting them uploaded and working with this template.
Category: Technical/Site Issues
Welcome… or Welcome Back!
First of all, I have to explain what happened with my former host, Maxipoint, Ltd. Apparently, they acquired new owners, but did not tell anyone this would happen beforehand. Then, I visited my site and saw a placeholder page for a company with which I was unfamiliar. The placeholder stated my account was suspended. I put in a help ticket with my former host, but as usual, it was ignored for two days despite the fact that it was marked urgent. After this time, I decided I was tired of the problems I have experienced with this host and signed up with Bluehost. I transferred my domain. One of the perks of Bluehost is that I can add on extra domains, so I used that opportunity to create danahuff.net for my personal sites — this personal blog, my Harry Potter blog, and my genealogy blog. My education sites remain on huffenglish.com. I feel good about this. After some rough patches getting WP installed correctly — the images didn’t seem to want to show up — I think I’ve got it. However, Maxipoint is either unwilling or unable to send me the files. I am actually leaning toward the notion that they simply don’t know how. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve asked them to do something they didn’t know how to do. The upshot is that I have lost all the blog posts I wrote prior to migrating to Word Press on Much Madness is Divinest Sense. It could be worse. I have decided I will try to rescue what I can, but frankly, I had to just let it go or else the thought of losing all that writing was going to make me crazy. I lost all the posts on the other blogs. The only reason I have some posts from this one is the fact that when I migrated to Word Press on this blog, I had to extract my blog entries from Movable Type. Sincerely a headache, but not much I can do.
Needless to say, it’s going to take some time to build this site back up to what it was. If you have submitted entries to the Literature Carnival that don’t appear, please resubmit. Most likely, they were lost in the ether when I transferred. Unfortunately, the old carnival posts are gone, unless I can find a cache of them somewhere and repost them.
In other news, I have been having some health problems. I went to the doctor yesterday, and it is most likely either fibroids or a hormonal imbalance. That means either surgery or medication. I think I may be a bit anemic, too, as I have been so tired and everyone tells me how pale I look. I bought some vitamins, so hopefully, I’ll feel better soon. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, so I may find out more about what’s causing my condition then.