Day one, 2,255 words written. I am not sure how many times I stopped myself from writing an adverb (thank you, Stephen King). I think I did a pretty good job conveying personality in other ways. So far, I am really happy with it. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited about something I wrote. I like having a really loose idea of what’s going to happen and then letting whatever happens, happen. What surprised me the most was how effortless it was. It just pretty much came out, boom. I think the fact that I have been doing a lot of writing in general, especially on this blog, has helped me with flow. I tell my students this kind of thing all the time, but it’s great to see it’s actually true.
Meanwhile, I’m flying through Stephen King’s [amazon_link id=”1439156816″ target=”_blank” ]On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft[/amazon_link] so fast that I think I could be done with it tomorrow. Probably the best book I’ve read on creative writing.
photo credit: |vvaldzen|