Fun with Photoshop


In my excitement to begin my book, I have been doing lots of research, thinking, and planning. I created an icon for my book. It may be somewhat premature to have settled on a title, but it “feels right,” and Steve said it was good. I value his literary opinion, which may surprise those of you who don’t realize his literary tastes run beyond true crime. He’s probably more well-read when it comes to poetry than I am, but I don’t think he reads as many novels anymore as he used to. At any rate, he looked over my outline last night while I was sleeping and told me he really liked my ideas. He paid me the highest compliment he can pay me about my writing: it sounds like something he’d be interested in reading if he saw the story on a dust jacket.

Here’s an image I created for my book.

The Face of All the World


2 thoughts on “Fun with Photoshop

  1. I can't see the image!! It's great Steve is supporting you and yes, that is the highest compliment one can pay you, especially if you value their opinion. All this talk of creating titles and outlines and I'm getting an urge. 🙂

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