Cranky tagged me with a meme:
- Go into your archive.
- Find your 23rd post.
- Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
- Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
- Tag five other people to do the same.
To start with, I had an e-mail exchange with a parent who insisted her daughter was the only person who worked on a group project in my class (and must have thought I was lying when I stated my observations that all four girls were working). (March 6, 2004.)
Of course, if you’re going way back to my old, defunct Diaryland diary, it’s:
I’m in a good mood today. (July 14, 2001).
I tag Dana, Rajni (do I have a current link for your blog?), Jennifer, Steve (he won’t do it, by the way), and Andrena.
actually, I don't have a blog anymore. 🙁 I have a journal, but I think I'll be moving it within the next few days.
"In December, at a stoplight, with the Eiffel Tower in the distance, I stand behind a shirtless Native-American…"
Shamash, that's a great line.
Hi, Dana. Hope you don't mind that I used your meme at my blog. It was fun reviewing my archives while trying to count my "23rd" post!
I don't mind at all. In fact, I am happy that one of my education blog pals came over here to visit!