Ooooh! Time for my most favorite reading challenge, the R.I.P. Reading Challenge. No other reading challenge so perfectly matches the time of year to reading selections, in my opinion. I have not been reading as much as I usually do this year. A big move, a new job. Lots of reasons. I really want to participate in this challenge, but I am not going to commit myself to a set number of books, especially because I will be taking a Harvard course pretty soon, and I’m not sure how much time I’ll have. But technically, I’m shooting for Peril the First.
I am thinking about these choices:

To make it more interesting, I’m going to create a soap recipe for each book that reminds me of some aspect or other of the book, and if the recipes turn out well, I’ll give away a bar of each, here on this blog. So stay tuned, and encourage me to read, because otherwise no soap.
I will try to read these five books, but I’m not sure if I will get to all of them. Here’s hoping! I need to get cracking, but I need to read [amazon asin=006218850X&text=The Orchardist] first as I have a deadline very soon. More on that book later. Wish me luck!
I like the idea of pairing soap with each book! How creative. R.I.P. Challenge is one of my favorite challenges. I look forward to it all year long. Good luck with finishing The Orchardist in time! Have a great week.
Thanks, Vasilly! I'm excited about the new soap recipes. That should be fun.
Welcome to RIP from a fellow challenger. You have a great looking list of books there–Dracula in Love especially sounds interesting. I'm getting ready to start my first RIP book, The Woman in White. Enjoy!
I read The Woman in White a few years ago and LOVED it! You will love the characters. I though Marian was awesome, and Count Fosco stole every scene he was in. Frederick Fairlie was hilarious. Enjoy it! It's a great read.
I loved My Cousin Rachel! So good! I hope you enjoy all of these !!
Oh, good! I really loved Rebecca, and I was hoping I would enjoy this other book of Du Maurier's as well.
Thanks so much for your kind words and for your faithful participation in this event. I love seeing you join us for this every year. Your reading choices look great, and Something Wicked would indeed be a perfect poster-boy for R.I.P.
I mentioned in a reply to you on my site that I hope you'll post about your soaps, a fantastic idea, and that you'll link to those posts in the review site. You have me very curious and your idea is very exciting.
I don't think I've seen anyone else read Mr. Timothy so I'm excited for you to read it! As for a soap pairing with it, that's kind of a funny thought as there is a lot of mention of the stinking Thames in it. I can't wait to see what you do!
Yeah, I don't think Stinking Thames soap is a good idea, but I'm hoping once I read it, something else will come to me naturally.