Nasty spring rain ruined my weekend plans. Drivin’ N Cryin’ (remember them? from a few blogs posts ago?) were playing at a free street festival in nearby Woodstock, and we had planned to go, but it rained. And rained. And hailed some. And rained some more. It is still kind of gross outside. I know we’ll have some other nice weekends this spring, but this one was to include a free Drivin’ N Cryin’ concert.
I’d like to say all that time indoors meant I read a lot, but mostly I worked on my genealogy. I am alternately engrossed in or neglectful of my family history. I seem to have no in between. Still, I enjoyed doing it, so it was productive.
I am still reading Joshilyn Jackson’s Between, Georgia, and I am enjoying it so far. It is what I thought it would be: a fun, light read. I started using my Audible app to see if I like it better than iTunes for listening to audio books, and it does have a few more features that I like, including connections to Facebook and Twitter, and a bookmarking/note-taking system like my Kindle. The books did take quite a while to download to it, however. I am listening to The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Luiz Zafón, which I purchased via my monthly Audible credit some time ago. The reader does a great job with the Spanish names. I started a new book via DailyLit: The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas. I love a great Dumas swashbuckler, and though I’ve seen the movie version, I’ve never read the book. If I don’t put it on hold or read faster than one post a day, I should finish it around the end of October.
I talked to my sister today. It was great. I haven’t talked to her on the phone in ages. I miss her.
In other news, Diana Wynne Jones died on Saturday. I haven’t read her books, though I had planned to, and my daughter, who has read some of her books, was sad to hear this news. Neil Gaiman has posted a wonderful tribute to her on his blog.
photo credit: Cia de Foto
I'm becoming a joshilyn Jackson fan…though I decided her books seem so well-suited to audio than just reading. And I've been pretty impressed with Audible. I do like the bookmark feature.
Yes, she has a great voice! I heard her speak at an English teachers' convention. She was hysterical in person. I think Audible is great because of how inexpensive it makes audio books. I know I paid over $50 for the audio CD's of the Harry Potter books—each time! I could have got them for way less than half that. I can't usually listen to more than a book a month anyway.
But did it thunder? I miss thunderstorms like crazy. It seems like no place else in the country has thunderstorms like South Louisiana has thunderstorms. Obviously this doesn't always work to our advantage, but I love snuggling into my comfy bed and listening to the rain and thunder outside. Without thunder, rain is just dreary.
It thundered a lot! The South in general has a lot of thunderstorms. I have an app on my iPhone that makes ambient thunderstorm noises, but my favorite one is the one that makes ocean wave noises.