NaNoWriMo 2009

NaNoWriMoI must be crazy.

I’m a full-time wife, mother, and English teacher and half-time grad school student, and I really don’t have time to write. On the other hand, I do feel like I have a story that needs to come out. Well, a couple actually, and I haven’t decided yet which one I will write.

In other news, I discovered that NaNoWriMo purges your account if you haven’t logged in for over a year, and my old account is now gone, though my previous username was available.

Out of Sorts

Nothing I have picked up to read since finishing Katherine Howe’s novel The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane has grabbed me. I don’t honestly know what I want to read, and I’m not having much luck. I am feeling kind of blah. I am wondering if part of it is that I really want to write something, but I feel that I don’t have any ideas I want to explore right now. It’s a bit of a depressing state to be in.

I have also been listening to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince read by Jim Dale in my car, and if nothing makes you feel like you wish you were creative, Harry Potter will. I am not asking to write the next Harry Potter. I just want to come up with a solid idea, and I want to find a book to enjoy. It’s maddening. I started The Crystal Cave. It’s about Merlin, for crying out loud: one of my favorite characters ever! And I can’t get going with it!

I keep thinking I should try Neil Gaiman’s book American Gods since the guy at the counter in Barnes and Noble liked it so much he was ready to go find it on the shelves for us. Steve is reading Fragile Things (or he was) and the two other Gaiman novels I read were enjoyable: funny fantasy with some moments that made me think of J. K. Rowling. Or maybe I should just pick up something by Jasper Fforde, which I know I’ll like.